Tag Archives: diet

Who Drinks That?!?

Anybody else ever bothered to notice that the diet soda/caffeine-free drinkers are completely discriminated against in the fountain drink world?  That’s right.  If you drink diet soda, you can sit down at any restaurant or walk into any quick shop and choose from at least 2-3 different sugar-free options.  And if you’re just a caffeine-free person (or if you’re my 8 year old step-daughter after 12:00 noon) then you can guarantee that you will be given at least two different options (usually some Sprite-like substance and root beer).

However, if you require the combination of the two, you best not get your hopes up.

Good thing we’ve got water, I suppose.

Well, obtaining a CFD (that’s my new abbreviation for Caffeine Free, Diet) drink in a public setting may not be something to look forward to anytime soon.  But the folks over at Pepsi have hooked us up!   They’ve started shelving CFD Mountain Dew in grocery stores.  HALLELUJAH!  Life is good again.  I’ll just continue to carry an oversized purse and I’ll take my own CFD Mountain Dew wherever I go.


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